Up next...

We host a wide array of public events and speakers, bringing together writers, artists, public activists, scholars and more. Here are some of our upcoming encounters.

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From Diss to Book
Queer Iberian Intimacies
February 4, 2025

Join us to celebrate and discuss Esteban Crespo’s well-defended dissertation.

Have an idea for an event?

Is there someone you like to listen to? Learn from? Do you have an idea for an imaginative format or encounter? Let us know!

Past encounters...

Decolonizing Library Collections: Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu and the Peruvian Expedition Papers | Crear con Bits: Ideación colaborativa de proyectos digitales | A New State Form in Mexico | Flashbacks del futuro | Recitajes | The Theater of Capital | Catching up with Stuart Schwartz | Foodscapes y literatura. El sabor de los libros | Journée d'études on the Memory and Archives of Slavery | Public Lecture with Ana Lucia Araujo | Talking With Time: A New Interpretation Of Mexica Calendric Divination | De la partitura a la escena: la dirección musical en la zarzuela | Catching up with Carlos Eire | Cine medicina, una mirada contra colonial para la liberación indígena | Amuletos: A Conversation with Marta Barrio | Crucé la frontera en tacones | White Freedom, Black Bondage: Race, Reproduction, & Technologies of Belonging | Poemas x You | Thinking, Caring, and Doing: Perspectives from Latin American Environmental Humanities | La virgen cabeza | Helio | Escribir lo invisible: Escritura e imágenes | Historia de boca en boca | Rewriting Environmental Aesthetics in Mexico | Un mundo huérfano | Gay(o) | Muchachos que no besan en la boca | A conversation with Ilan Stavans | Reading Manu Tzoc Bucup | The 13th Night | *pó e sía* lúdica & material | The Craft | The 10th Night | The 9th Night | Reading Giuseppe Caputo | The 8th Night | El control de la frase | Reading César Cañedo | The 7th Night | The 6th Night | Reading Ángelo Nestore | The 5th Night | The 4th Night | Reading Alejandro Castro | The 3rd Night | The 2nd Night | Reading Yolanda Segura | The 1st Night